Friday, July 11, 2008

Look Out World, Here Come Desk Rage

You knew it was bound to happen. It appears that "desk rage" is taking over the American workplace. I don't see it much in the public relations field, but I can say that when I was in retail, you could see the anger in my co-workers.

From Reuters:

Nearly half of U.S. workers in America report yelling and verbal abuse on the job, with roughly a quarter saying it has driven them to tears, research has shown.

Other research showed one-sixth of workers reported anger at work has led to property damage, while a tenth reported physical violence and fear their workplace might not be safe.

Desk rage extends across industry and class lines, from top white-collar jobs to gritty blue-collar work, and companies pay dearly in terms of lost productivity, sagging morale and higher absenteeism.

It's amazing to think how prevalent this is in our society but with tough economic times and societal changes, I guess this is to be expected. What ever happened to road rage! Thoughts?

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