Thursday, July 19, 2007

Move Over Hank, Here Comes Barry!

Being back in the Bay Area has given me the opportunity to witness history first hand. For the last three to four years, I have been bashing Barry Bonds left and right. But as the inevitable approaches, its really starting to hit everyone. Hank Aaron's record is going to fall. It is going to happen.

Whether steroids played a part in it, we may never know. The courts may decide things shortly, but for this brief moment in time, its time to celebrate this accomplishment. Hitting 755, 756, however many home runs he hits, it is still an amazing feat. Its true that Alex Rodriguez may someday surpass Ruth, Aaron and Bonds, but for this brief moment in time, this is Barry stage, and we are merely witness'.

I will be at AT&T Park on Wednesday night, and whether Barry hits a milestone home run that night, it will still be exciting to be in the company of greatness! *let's hope he hits it that night though :)*

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